Do you believe that Angels walk among us?I got off work early yesterday and went to this delightful little scrapbook and yarn store just around the corner from work. I milled around there looking for my Valentines Gift from Greg....he wanted to bring me flowers...I gave him a little hint that I wanted some new knitting needles (yes it's true I am teaching myself to knit...heh he) anyway he gave me money to shop for myself because he had no idea what to look for. I really enjoyed being around all those crafty people ...found some yarn and needles the perfect gift for me! What he didn't know is that I already improved my underwear drawer last Tuesday when I was shopping for Valentines gifts for all the girls. That was so fun too... Anyway I am rambling....
So I head to the grocery store (I always shop at our local grocery stores...not Walmart unless I absolutely have to). I buzzed through and grabbed the things I needed went to the check out reached into my pocket to get my envelope of money.......It was not there.....Oh crap I went into a quick state of panic. I went to check the dog food area that was where I know I had it last.....not there I quickly went up Isle after isle to look for it... praying the whole time to the lord to guide me to it. Then over the loud speaker came my checker asking me to come to checkout # 8......
You won't believe this one of the checkers daughters found it and it had my receipt from my deposit so she was going to take it to my bank on Monday so they could give it to the person who's account number was on it...MINE!
Wow...if that was not a loud and clear message form God....I am with you Kim....don't ever wonder or forget or question my presence. I thank that nice honest lady who found my money and returned it.....but most of all I thank my father up above for all the blessings he so generously gives to ME each day.
Ask me if I believe that there are Angels walking among us!You know I believe it!