Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Season for making Memories

I made a promise to myself to make this Christmas Season full of memories. I have always tried to do fun things with my girls at Christmas and teach them the true meaning of Christmas. It seems like the whole material hoop-la takes over every year. Giving becomes a task when I try to stretch the few dollars I have to find a nice gift for everyone. Receiving can be so full of guilt because I don't feel like the gift I gave measured up to the one given to me. I am not going there this year! Every gift that I give is going to be from the heart and I am going to be thankful that I had the means to give it. It's going to be a year of making memories....enjoying my family (I feel so blessed to have such a wonderful family...every last one of them)...and having fun.

We made a day of Christmas Tree fun.

Sunday we had our annual Christmas Cookie bash.

What a day. We got started around 10:30 and I was finishing up at 10:00pm. I think we all had fun even Greg helped decorate a few(the smiley faces) cookies. The girls are such good help in the kitchen. All those years of being so stressed out and trying to teach them to cook is paying off.

The last ones in the kitchen...begging for a cookie.

Now on to basketball games and band concerts.

I think next weekend we will read the Christmas story from the Bible and have a great meal in honor of Jesus. You know plan it around the football game and kids activities....hehe. Life is crazy but you do what you gotta do.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


It is getting colder every morning....Or I am getting up earlier. Both I think.

Hope everyone has a warm Wednesday.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


Sunday was such a fun experience for me. Watching my big girls put their expertise to work on our Christmas Tree was even more fun than watching them when they were little.

I let the big girls have at it first and then sent them shopping for a few things so the little ones could put their ornaments on with out anyone bossing them around.

Back to School

WOW...This morning we loaded Serina on the bus to go to school.

She was so excited but nervous. Greg asked her if she wanted him to make her a name tag so the kids would remember her name. She really gave him the what for and told him that she didn't think the kids would know her because her legs weren't crossed. It really makes me be thankful for the simple things I do without even thinking....like putting one foot in front of the other to walk.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Our Thanksgiving Trip

Our Thanksgiving was jam packed with fun and excitement. We headed up to Denver for Serina to see the Dr. on Tuesday. Then we went to Longmont to spend some time with Greg's folks. We had a very relaxing day on Wednesday just enjoyed being with that part of our family.
Thursday We went to Becky and Morgan's for Thanksgiving Dinner. It was WONDERFUL food and a great family get together.

On our way home we met Skeet and Mike so we could meet Keesa and see all of them. It was only for a few minutes but oh so worth it. They really have a beautiful family with those little girls. Can't wait until I can spend more time with my little nieces.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Mile stones

Tomorrow will be 10 long weeks with Serina being out of commission. Picture at the left is Serina before she had her surgery the position of her legs was permanently crossed. Sept 4 she had surgery in hopes of some pain relief and improve her seating and mobility. The Dr.'s worked her over and put her in a bright pink cast with stars that glow in the dark.

Over 7 weeks in the cast. We tried to get her out and about some and she loved it. We took her to Dusty's football games twice. Still she was a trooper...me waking her up every 2 hours to rotate her in the bed...all the caregivers who came to work with her. She never complained

Oct. 22 we took her to have the cast removed...we were so excited. Well it was not that exciting at all. She could not stand to be out of the cast and her legs felt so different. She has been out of the cast a little over 2 weeks and finally yesterday we were able to get her up and in a chair without causing her too much pain or grief.
Ya...what a milestone.

Monday, November 9, 2009

I love my new camera

My parents are the best....the new camera they got me is so cool.

Kassie wanted me to try to get some photos of her for her Sr. pictures.

We were kinda bummed because most of the leaves are gone now but we managed to find a few cool places to take photos.

How about behind our local Safeway store....

Or at the hospital....

Or in someones back yard....

The girls really got a kick out of finding places to shoot photos.

We really got some good ones and we want to go take more when the snow hits. I sure enjoyed the day with Kassie and her friend Brandi they were so much fun.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


Friday, November 6, 2009

gearing up for what is coming......

What is coming?....a super busy weekend and few weeks.
Mom, Dad and Tandi are getting all packed up to take Gram up to Denver to get her all checked out to make sure she is healthy enough to have a special kind of hip replacement. Gram broke her leg in 5 places (right up by the head of the femur) about a month ago. Surgery was done here to set the bone but her bones are so soft that some of the hardware went right through he bone. So every one say an extra prayer for Gram. She turns 89 tomorrow. What a great lady.

Skeet, Mike, Kiya and Keesa ( our new little niece from China) will be home tomorrow also. I wish I could be there to greet them at the plane but I have my hands full here with Serina still in a hospital bed in the front room and will be going up there at thanksgiving time. Welcome home guys.

I am working in the morning tomorrow and then going to Dustin's last football game for the season. It's here at Adams State and the weather is predicted to be great. Go Grizzlies.....Go Dustin. After the game we are getting together for a memorial for Stan...a great guy who fought the hardest fight with cancer leaving behind a super sweet wife and 4 children. Rest in peace Stan and please all keep Selma and the kids in your prayers.
Then we will finish up our day with Grams little birthday party at the nursing home. 89 that is a big deal. I want to go spend some time with her on Sunday before she goes up to Denver.
Monday she will go to Denver.
So I am drinking my coffee today so getting ready for tomorrow...He He
Have a great day

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Go away Pooky Pooky

I have a this problem.....it's a real bad problem....
My silly 20+year old kitty seems to think she needs to sit on my lap when I am at the computer.
She sneaks up on the chair and walks over the table...to my lap. I love her dearly but she makes it so hard to type. I think she is telling me....hey mom why don't you sit down to watch tv anymore. So here I sit with Pooky on my lap...I was going to post on how beautiful the weather has been here in the valley the past few days. Yep no coat weather in Nov. WOW! Most of the leaves are gone from the trees but it is still beautiful. The snow on the mountain tops is just fabulous.
Well there you have it.
Have a great day.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Coming down from Sugar High...

Took 2 tylenol right away because I know I will have a headache in a few hours. Out the window with the sugar and I hope the kids eat it up quick....It's back to chicken and veggies for me.

Here is a little laugh for you all.

See I used to be such a fun mom....get all dressed up and go trick or treating with the girls. I had so much fun sewing their little costumes and seeing the grandmas.

I think Kassie was in the 3rd grade here.
I laughed so hard because Gram had got all dressed up to greet us. I can't remember what she was dressed up like but she was cute. maybe she was a clown like me.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Spook tack u lar !

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Why have Birthdays?

Why do I have to have a Birthday this year....that is what I was saying 2 weeks ago. Pretty much feeling old, tired and sorry for myself.

The day of my birthday was so busy here at home with people coming to tend Serina that I did not really feel the impact. Then Pow...I realized I am 40. Wow I should be excited. I got so many cool gifts what great family and friends I have. Thank you all for the phone calls and goodies.

My Mom and Dad (and my very special friend Cindy)surprised me with a new camera....not just any camera. Drum Roll.......A big hopping Nikon D80. Nope I am not kidding I have it in my still shaking hot little hands.

New outlook on life....I can do this being 40 thing....one photo at a time.

Serina was not able to go out to do the Halloween thing so Maddie and Alisha painted her up as a cat and Maddie went trick or treating for her.
The big girls all dressed up.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Ups & Downs

UP'S &

Just when I think that things are looking up... Thinking to myself.....into the new Salon and it works out great...in fact loving it.....Serina's time to get the hot pink cast off finally after 7 weeks ...Gram into the nursing home to get stronger so she can go home.
Then we take Serina to get the cast off and the electric saw scared her to death and those things that have been inside her pink cast (legs)....she did not want to look at them or touch them she just freaked out and then her muscles tightened up and the muscle spasms started. It was so hard because I couldn't do anything for her. She screamed and cried for over 2 hours while they were fixing her cast to send home as a splint. Finally back in her cast she was able to settle down so we could come 4 hours home. We have had a few tough days and nights but today she is a little better.....Definitely a downer.
Back up again....Skeet and Mike left on Wed. for China to bring little Keesa home. They have been waiting for so long for her and their trip seems to be going great. If you want to follow along their journey log on to http://www.keesasalmans.com/ Skeet does a great job with the site

A tiny bit down...Chase finished his football season. Good job Chase!
And up again....tomorrow is a new day and a start of a new week and Gram really seems to be doing well with her therapy.
The good thing about life is that for every down time there is always an up.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Another Jam packed week for the Howard clan.
Kassie was nominated to be the Spud Bowl candidate for Alamosa High School. We felt honored because the teachers nominate the girls on their grades, school participation, and all that. She was given a semester of school at Adams State College for being nominated. She did not get crowned the Queen but what a great experience.

The cool part of the Spud Bowl Competition was that Her Grandma and Grandpa Howard came all the way from Longmont to watch. Her Mam and Pap were there too. They did the crowning ceremony at half time of the College Football game....so she had a great audience of all Dusty's fans too. We all had so much fun watching the game ( I was super nervous for Kassie the first half). We always go to Tandi's after the game for the best Frito Pies and chat.

Chase also had a football game on Saturday. He really has fun and is starting to figure it out. He was so proud because he made a tackle in the game and they won.

Miss Madison is so busy...volleyball is over for her but she is on to doing Band activities, Basketball open gym and she wants to ride her horse some before it gets too cold.
Miss Serina...oh my. She is in her 7th week in a pretty much full body cast. She has been a real trooper. She keeps busy with PT...OT and School at home. We go this Thursday to have her cast taken off and have her fitted for new wheel chairs. We are excited but nervous. When the cast comes off there will be so much physical therapy to get her strong enough to sit in her wheel chair. We will just do what ever we have to do.
Mom and I got moved into our new little Salon and we just love it. The new Salon is very nice but simple and it is only Mom and I who work there. We both come and go taking care of our clients...it's nice. One thing I have learned through this experience is that EVERYTHING THAT GLITTERS...IS NOT GOLD.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

What a crazy week!

Wow what a crazy week! Tuesday Madison had volleyball. Wed I had a very crappy day at work and in the end was handed a termination of my lease there. Chase had a football game that night so Greg was in attendance there. Oh did I tell you that this was Homecoming week at the High School. Kassie and friends painted shirts and did it up right.

Chase had a pet show at his school on Friday. He made a cute poster and I took him and his Bunny Rocket to school for the pet show. That was fun. Greg and my Mom went to Madison's Volleyball game that morning at the same time.

Kassie and her friend Brandi spent the day getting ready for the homecoming dance here. I made their flowers and took the photos. They had a great time and looked so cute.
Sunday Maddie and I cooked a big breakfast for the family then off to move my mom and me out of the salon we were working at. We found the cutest little salon to work out of. It will be nice to have a cozy place to work out of for a while.
Now to start out a new week.....new salon....and a birthday coming next week. So many changes in a short time. Life is Good...a little crazy but GOOD!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fall Fun Times

We had so much fun yesterday. Today we are all just hanging out trying to get organized for another busy week. The weather sure lets me know that Fall is here....windy and sunny but chilly.
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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Where have I been?

I have been missing you all so much.
My Dad spent 2 weeks in the hospital but is up and running again.

Since I last blogged I got all 4 young ones enrolled in school. Doesn't sound like it deserves a prize but had to go through an hour of registration 4 times with health screenings and such. Getting school supplies arranged.
Madison started Volleyball right away and is doing a great job. She is really working on fine tuning her setting skills. It is so fun to go watch her.
Sept 3rd we all headed to Denver to stay a few days with Aunt Skeet, Uncle Mike & Kiya. That was so fun....truly we don't see them enough. Skeet had a surprise Birthday(pre-surgery)party for Serina. We had cake and pizza and she invited some of her friends over.


Greg,Serina and I were at Children's Hospital at 5:30am for her check in. Her surgery was at 7:30. Serina had a very major surgery that should make her more comfortable sitting. Her hips have been dislocated for some time now and the arthritis had taken over causing her to be uncomfortable all the time. Her scissored legs kept her working so hard just to stay sitting up. Anyway those of you who have had the pleasure of meeting her know exactly what I am talking about. By the way thank you all so much for the cards and all the cool gifts you sent her.
Serina did great with her surgery and now is on the road to recovery. She is in a cast(hot pink with glow in the dark stars)that goes from the top of her ribs down to her ankles. She is pretty much down flat for another 4 weeks anyway.

While we were at the hospital Mike and Skeet took on the responsibility of 2 teen shoppers and Chase. I think they all shopped till they dropped. The kids had a ball and Mike and Skeet survived.

We are home now and trying to get back to a normal life. I spend my time scheduling all the caregivers,tutors and therapy. I think for the time being that is all in place.
My Kassie has been a saint. She helps me out with Serina so I can get out of the house some. I really appreciate her because she takes care of her just like I would. She will be a great mother to my grandchildren someday.

My Gram broke her hip so she is in the rehab center trying to get healed and stronger.
We picked up my car (have been without it since July)and it runs great. I thank my sister and parents so much for providing me with wheels during that time.
Now I am going to start to enjoy Fall. The colors are just beautiful here now and the weather is kinda crazy but I love it none the less.

Madison is about to finish her volleyball season so we will have fun watching her at her tourney.

Little Chase is starting football. That will be a kick to watch....I will keep you all posted.