Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Way too cold to ride

It's way too cold here to ride so we watch our summer videos...over and over again. Here is one of my favorite. Kassie On Viva in July. click on the horse photo in the sidebar to watch it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Water Pressure!

Wow I didn't realize how bad our water pressure was getting. Yesterday a super kind neighbor with a backhoe came over to help Greg with a water line leak. The problem was out at a hydrant. They dug this huge..deep hole to find the problem. Can you just picture my 6'3" husband in the bucket of the backhoe...lowered down 7 or 8 foot to work on the line. Wow they found that it was not the hydrant at all but a galvanized piece of pipe totally eaten away by our Colorado monster dirt. 5 hours in the freezing weather and now I have water lots of water pressure. It doesn't take to much for me to be happy.

Washer filled so fast that I did 3 loads in just over an hour.
We were able to run the dishwasher and shower at one time.
My next electric bill should be quite a bit lower.
I won't be nagging my husband about it anymore.
Well that is good reason enough...I'll quit with that.
Happy day to you all