Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A Day in my Life

Why I love my life.....I wake up at 5:30am so I can have the first little one on her bus by 6:30am. The showers start going through the morning ritual to get gussied up for school. Mind you we have a 1st grader, 5th grader,7th grader and a Junior in HS. My hubby drives a school bus so he leaves before 6:00am each morning. I load the last three on the bus at 5 till 7. I grab my much needed java and head out to take care of the animals. After my barnyard has their breakfast I check my e-mail then hit the shower. I love my career at a Day Spa in town. I pamper women until 3:20 when the first little one gets off the one at 4:10...then load them up in the car to go pick up the next from volleyball practice.....take her to the HS to join the oldest for basketball open gym. Then I hurry home to get the little ones on their homework while I cook then my sweetheart has the horses all fed and of us goes into town to pick up the big girls and usually a gallon of milk. Seems like this family goes through a bunch of milk. We get the little ones in bed by 8:30 pm. Help with any homework the big girls have. sweetie and I hash out our day and plan the next few over a cup of coffee(my hubby makes the best coffee). After a hot bath I head to bed. I thank God for all my blessings and tell myself....This is why I love my life!

Little Rodeo Princess

Madison loves the thrills and frills of Rodeo

Meet Sam

Meet Sam our 31 year old amazon parrot. We have had him for 15 years. He has quite a vocabulary and bring us much joy.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Summer Fades

As the beautiful blooms of summer fade into the colors of fall I enjoy every day. Knowing all too well that soon there will be a heavy blanket of snow covering all signs of life.

Monday, October 6, 2008


Madison turns Mac around first for a speedy run.


I love to watch my girls in their Rodeos. It is fun to watch them take horses we raise and turn them into working machines.