Monday, January 19, 2009

Water Pressure!

Wow I didn't realize how bad our water pressure was getting. Yesterday a super kind neighbor with a backhoe came over to help Greg with a water line leak. The problem was out at a hydrant. They dug this huge..deep hole to find the problem. Can you just picture my 6'3" husband in the bucket of the backhoe...lowered down 7 or 8 foot to work on the line. Wow they found that it was not the hydrant at all but a galvanized piece of pipe totally eaten away by our Colorado monster dirt. 5 hours in the freezing weather and now I have water lots of water pressure. It doesn't take to much for me to be happy.

Washer filled so fast that I did 3 loads in just over an hour.
We were able to run the dishwasher and shower at one time.
My next electric bill should be quite a bit lower.
I won't be nagging my husband about it anymore.
Well that is good reason enough...I'll quit with that.
Happy day to you all

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