Friday, November 6, 2009

gearing up for what is coming......

What is coming?....a super busy weekend and few weeks.
Mom, Dad and Tandi are getting all packed up to take Gram up to Denver to get her all checked out to make sure she is healthy enough to have a special kind of hip replacement. Gram broke her leg in 5 places (right up by the head of the femur) about a month ago. Surgery was done here to set the bone but her bones are so soft that some of the hardware went right through he bone. So every one say an extra prayer for Gram. She turns 89 tomorrow. What a great lady.

Skeet, Mike, Kiya and Keesa ( our new little niece from China) will be home tomorrow also. I wish I could be there to greet them at the plane but I have my hands full here with Serina still in a hospital bed in the front room and will be going up there at thanksgiving time. Welcome home guys.

I am working in the morning tomorrow and then going to Dustin's last football game for the season. It's here at Adams State and the weather is predicted to be great. Go Grizzlies.....Go Dustin. After the game we are getting together for a memorial for Stan...a great guy who fought the hardest fight with cancer leaving behind a super sweet wife and 4 children. Rest in peace Stan and please all keep Selma and the kids in your prayers.
Then we will finish up our day with Grams little birthday party at the nursing home. 89 that is a big deal. I want to go spend some time with her on Sunday before she goes up to Denver.
Monday she will go to Denver.
So I am drinking my coffee today so getting ready for tomorrow...He He
Have a great day

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